

Snap is a subgenre of Hip Hop that originated in the early 2000s in Bankhead, West Atlanta, and gained mainstream popularity through artists like D4L and Ying Yang Twins. It is characterized by its use of prominent 808 bass and finger snaps, often with lyrics centered on nightclub themes such as sex, drugs, and alcohol. Snap music shares similarities with Crunk but has a more dance-oriented and less violent atmosphere. Often referred to as "ringtone rap," snap music was popular during the mid-2000s, coinciding with the rise of ringtones, and is sometimes criticized for its repetitive choruses and simplistic verses.

3 songs

Soulja Boy - Crank That

US / 2007.05 ( Hip-Hop/Rap / Snap )

T-Pain, Yung Joc - Buy U a Drank (Shawty Snappin')

US, US / 2007.02 ( R&B / Snap )

D4L - Laffy Taffy

US / 2005.10 ( Hip-Hop/Rap / Snap )

Icon Soulja Boy - Crank That
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